How to buy on auction?
All items shown on this site are for sale on auction. If you want to buy an item, you have to play the game as everyone and place your bid. Only if you win the auction you can buy the item you placed your bid for. To take part you have to register on CATAWIKI. Registration is free. To arrive on the online marketplace for the item of your choice, just click on the “more info” or “bid now” buttons of the item. After login or registering you can immediately place your bid.
There are over hundred forty different auctions that correspond to the categories ever shown on this site . You can view these by clicking on “ALL ITEMS” on the home page, or on this page in the left sidebar. Every single auction takes about one week. After that the auction is renewed with fresh items and bidding restarts from £1. More info about the exact day an auction ends you can find in the left sidebar of the CATAWIKI website. The link to view items for next week you can find over there also.
As a registered member you will also be allowed to sell your own items on the auctions. But whatever you would sign up for, take a look at the FAQ that you can reach via “customer support” in the top menu on CATAWIKI. CATAWIKI is a company with limited liability Benaulim B.V. and registered with the Chamber of Commerce. More details about its regulation are in the terms of their website.
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