Long live the Hillary Clinton election 2016 campaign!
This morning I woke up with in contrary to the previous days no longer the gasp of the bats living under our roof in my ears. My stress at subject of the weeping dog here in our neighborhood has stabilized. Against sleeping time I was able for orally distinguishing different dogs, but I'm not yet certain if "my patient" is not enlocked or tight. He reminds the jaguar in the "Island of Dr Moeau" by H. G. Wells. I hope he only gets disgusting food. I thought to recognize the same human like protest sound in his yelp as my Persian chinchilla that at the end I offered to a woman in the better area of our city, Belgium's capital, as far as I know the second best. I don't understand very well how this is possible, because normally Herman Van Rompuy earns lots more than an ex first minister of the seventies, a butcher if I remember well, who lived in Tervueren. Who further lives in Tervuren is a Belgian royal who caps its own affairs since a certain day, challenging all 9000 Ghent BE. It seems this has a rational cause that I don't explain here because it is not my intention to make our national royalty completely ridiculous in the eyes of especially Hillary Clinton sympathisants. Who else would ever arrive on this blog post? Hillary Clinton is qua presence completely OK I think, but how will she look in two years? That is about it. Of course I can go on critizing this courageous woman, who is as well ex first lady.
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