Camping places in Brussels Belgium
Camping Ciel Ouvert
There are few camping places in Brussels, some years ago the average google search user you could find only one on internet, namely Camping Ciel Ouvert, Chaussée de Wavre 205, 1050 Elsene-Ixelles. It's situated next to L'Eglise Des Pères Du Saint Sacrament/Kerk Der Paters Van Het Heilig Sacrament. It's a desolate garden with view on the empthy place with access to Luxemburg Station, The European Parliament and one of the Expositions of the European Parliament. For the other exposition you have to leave this place at the opposite side of Luxemburg place, cross the street and move towards the entrance of Leopold park about a dozen of meter further.
Back to Camping Ciel Ouvert. Where you can book your stay in this camping is me a guess. Personally I would ask it in the church, that is open regularly, as far as I know mostly at night.
Courtyard (possibly completely Espace Leopold) between Rue Godecharle/godecharlestraat, Chaussée de Wavre/Waversesteenweg and Rue Wiertz/Wiertzstraat at the side of Camping Ciel Ouvert. Further between Place de Luxembourg/Luxemburgplein, Rue du Trève/Trierstraat, Rue belliard/Belliardstraat and Rue Montoyer/Montoyerstraat
Personally I never spent the night in this camping, but I would strongly recommend it to horror lovers. Much is also left to the inventiveness of the camper. If streaming water is available I suppose not, but maybe on request if you can find the right person.
I explored the area once, several years in the past. It is on an elevation. Via holes in the barrier you get a view on a.o. let's say Espace Leopold. To get there you take the parking near the church and there after one or more tours around it, you can enter the camping via a small old door with squeaky hinges in the side wall.
Now you got a small preview of the one I know, here you get them all.
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